"Aamir Khan Productions is known for its hospitality inspiring, clean and family. All that is about to change!" Delhi Belly "has the potential to destroy, in one fell swoop, all the goodwill we have built over the last 10 years, "Aamir wrote on his blog aamirkhan.com.
The film co-produced by Aamir Khan Productions and UTV Motion Pictures, stars Imran Khan, Vir Das and Kunal Roy Kapur and is scheduled for release July 1.
The actor and producer said that "Delhi Belly" happened by accident.
"Akshat Verma, the writer, had been trying to contact me without success, but leave a copy of the script in my home. One day I was busy with some e-mail and Kiran (my wife), pending end, took the script runs in the top of the stack of unread scripts. A few minutes later I heard laughing and then laugh, and then falls off the couch choking with laughter, rolling on the floor, "Aamir wrote .
"Three hours later I was calling the number written on the first page of the script and calling Jim Furgele and Akshat Verma. Forty-eight hours later Akshat and Jim were sitting in front of me," he said.